In 6 incredible hours, spread over a series of three presentations, journey with William to sacred Southern France and immerse yourself in the mystery of this beautiful land, its secrets and its portals. Drawing from his extensive research and personal experiences that are detailed in his books, Mary Magdalene: The Illuminator and The Secret of Sion, William offers enthralling insight as he guides you to one of the holiest places on earth… and the holiest place within you.
Access to 3-Part Video Course
William Henry will take you deep into the lost secrets of Jesus and Mary Magdalene as revealed by the Cathars and the mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau, France. These teachings focused on the perfection or ascension of the human body in preparation for entering the inter-dimensional door or portal to the crystal halls of Christ’s Court.
Mysterious coded parchments, buried treasure, secret portals, an enigmatic priest. Welcome to Rennes-le-Chateau, France and one of the world’s greatest mysteries. In this presentation William takes you to the heart of this mystery. He explores the paintings of Nicholas Poussin. Do they reveal the location of the portal to Christ’s Court? Is this the ultimate secret of the cryptic Priory of Sion? Do Poussin’s paintings point to the secrets of the ancient Watchers or Holy Ones being hidden in a massive underground temple beneath the area of Rennes-le-Chateau? Is this the realm where “Blue Apples” grow?
According to Grail lore, the secrets of the Arma Christ or instruments of Christ’s Passion — the Ascension Kit of secrets of how he manifested his light body or resurrection body — were discovered by the Knights Templar beneath Solomon’s Temple and taken to Southern France. The symbols of the Arma Christi represent the lost enlightenment teaching of Christianity. Join William as he reveals Mary Magdalene’s role in assembling this Ascension Kit and how we can today, as well.
While the Templars possessed the secrets of the hardware of the Arma Christi, the Cathars possessed the secret code of the ‘software’ or consciousness tools for making it work. This ‘code’ is written in our DNA and is known as the Book of Love. William discusses the ascension teachings of the Cathars of Southern France for activating the spiritual capability of our spiritual DNA and connecting with the superluminal “light beyond light” that transforms us into angels on contact. He sources these teachings with the Essenes of Qumran. William presents persuasive evidence that, like the Essenes, the Cathars understood themselves to be in the company of mystical angels. Transformation into an angel was their goal.
Another course by William Henry
The Original Mystery School
This is the original Revelation or Secret Wisdom of ancient Egypt we are meant to discover. It was this metaphysics that motivated the construction of the Great Pyramid and other sacred temples as powerful human transfiguration or resurrection machines.

WILLIAM HENRY is a Nashville-based author, investigative mythologist, art historian, and TV presenter. He is an internationally recognized authority on human spiritual potential, transformation and ascension.
He has a unique ability to incorporate historical, religious, spiritual, scientific, archaeological and other forms of such knowledge into factually-based theories and conclusions that provide the layperson with a more in-depth understanding of the profound shift we are actually experiencing in our lifetime.
The spiritual voice and Consulting Producer of the global hit History Channel program, Ancient Aliens, and host of the Gaia TV series The Awakened Soul: The Lost Science of Ascension, and Arcanum, along with his wife, Clare, William Henry is your guide into the transformative sacred science of human ascension.
By bringing to life the ancient stories of ascension through art and gnostic texts, he teaches the secrets of soul transfiguration or metamorphosis and connects people to one another across cultures, time and space.
The spiritual voice and Consulting Producer of the global hit History Channel program, Ancient Aliens, and host of the Gaia TV series The Awakened Soul: The Lost Science of Ascension, and Arcanum, along with his wife, Clare, William Henry is your guide into the transformative sacred science of human ascension.
By bringing to life the ancient stories of ascension through art and gnostic texts, he teaches the secrets of soul transfiguration or metamorphosis and connects people to one another across cultures, time and space.
William’s present work has taken him into the area of transhumanism, which he first began writing about in his 2002 bestseller, Cloak of the Illuminati. His latest book, The Skingularity Is Near: The Next Human, the Perfect Rainbow Light Body and the Technology of Human Transcendence is a primer and a warning for the looming potential transformation of humanity as we speed closer to meshing computer technology with human flesh.
Along with his wife, Clare, he leads luxury, ascension-themed tours to sacred sites including Egypt, France, Italy, and England.